Public flow for appeal types following NAO1 (HMRC) form.
1. About the person claiming credits, benefits, allowances
Select an option from the radio buttons, fields on this screen are all mandatory, once user has inputted fields , click ‘Next’ to continue.
2. Your grounds for appeal
Free text area on this screen is mandatory allowing applicant to enter grounds for appeal, file upload button to attach supporting evidence once user has inputted fields , click ‘Next’ to continue.
3. Time limits for appealing
This screen is only displaying if the appeal is lodged more than 1 month after the Date of MRN (Please select the date the Mandatory Reconsideration Notice was sent to you – Start an Appeal screen)
Free text area on this screen is mandatory allowing applicant to enter reasons why the appeal is late, file upload button to attach supporting evidence once user has inputted fields , click ‘Next’ to continue.
4. About the representative (1)
This screen will only appear if the applicant has detailed in a previous step of the application that they have representation.
The organisation name or representative name must be provided alongside the representatives contact details including telephone number and address.
5. About the representative (2)
This screen will only appear if the applicant has detailed in a previous step of the application that they have representation.
Using checkboxes applicant must select which authorisation they are giving the representative, click ‘Next’ to continue.
6. Review and Declaration
This is a read only screen displayed for the applicant to review details provided as part of their application. If the applicant wishes to amend and details they can do so by using the ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ navigation buttons.
Once the applicant is ready to submit the applicant to The Appeals Service they should scroll to the bottom of this screen, click the checkbox to state “I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information given is true and correct” and click ‘Submit.’
Declaration text on this screen is configurable in admin > static data> text management > AppealsDeclarationText
Confirmation Page
Once the application has been successful submitted the confirmation page above will be displayed.
Text on this screen is configurable in admin > static data> text management > AppealsSubmitReceiptText
Confirmation Email
Upon submission, the applicant will receive an email. The email will contain the application ID and a pdf attachment of the appeal.