Student Guide
This page is to help completion of the online student form.
What information will you need to provide
Before you start, make sure you have the following information.
- The name of your school
- C2K school email address
- Class Name
- A contact phone number (home or mobile number)
- Current home address
The online student form will not require the student to upload any information or documentation.
Student Form Online Flow
To begin the application the student will click a link in the C2k App which will bring them to the NIDirect website. From there the student will click the link displayed which will direct them to the online student form.
The following questions will be asked
Information and instruction relating to this page is displayed in the information box.
Q. What school do you attend?
Student – Please start to type your school name and select the matching school.
Student – Selects the school they attend
Q. You have selected: (school pupil selected and school address) Is this your school?
Student – Clicks on the ‘Please select an option’ and selects an option from the dropdown list
Student – Selects ‘Yes’ and is able to proceed to next question and the email text boxes will appear underneath.
Student – Selects ‘No’ and must select a different school from dropdown list
Q. C2K email address
Student – Clicks into textbox and types first half of C2K email address
Q. Confirm C2K email address
Student – Clicks into textbox and types first half of C2K email address which MUST match the email address entered in the previous textbox or an error will be displayed.
Q. Your Email Address is: (will prefill as student types)
Student must enter a valid C2K email address in order to progress through form as no other email address will be accepted. Student is only required to enter first half of their email address as ‘’ is prefilled
Student – Clicks ‘Verify my details’ button. This will verify that no existing application for careers guidance has already been raised by this email address, if so, it will display the following message to the student
The ‘View Summary’ button above will navigate the student to the Student Verification Login allowing them to verify themselves using their email address, DOB and Reference ID. Once verified the system will display a read-only version of their existing application for careers guidance which they can print/print to PDF
Step 1 of 5: Personal & Contact Details
Students may choose to read this information box to gather more understanding as to why they are being asked to complete this online student form.
Personal Details
Q. Forename
Student – Types their first name
Q. Surname
Student – Types their last name
Q. Date of birth (Pick a Date button)
Student – Clicks the ‘Pick a Date’ button and selects their date of birth using the calendar
Q. School (Prefilled)
School is prefilled with the school selected by the pupil on the landing page, this is read-only and cannot be edited
Q. Class
Student – Types their class name/number
Contact Details
Q. Your C2K email address (Prefilled)
Your C2K email address is prefilled with the email address entered by the student on the landing page, this is read-only and cannot be edited
Q. Contact phone number (home or mobile number)
Your contact number is: (will prefill as student types)
Student – Clicks ‘Please select an option’ button and selects a country code from the dropdown list and types their home or mobile number
Q. Has your address changed in the last 3 years?
Student – Clicks a check box based on if their address has changed in the last 3 years
Student – Checks ‘No’ and is able to proceed to next stage
Student – Checks ‘Yes’ and is prompted to enter their current address in the textbox;
Q. Please enter your home address
Student – Types home address into free text box
Student – Clicks ‘Next’ button to proceed to next step
Step 2 of 5: Subjects
Information and instruction relating to this step is displayed in the information box.
Student – Clicks ‘Add subject’ button which will invoke a popup to capture subject details.
Add Subject
Q. Select Subject
Student – Clicks ‘Please select an option’ and chooses a subject from the dropdown list
Q. Subject not on list?
Student – Clicks ‘Subject not on list’ checkbox if their subject is not listed which will then display an ‘Other subject’ textbox
If the student is unable to find their subject in the subject dropdown list, they can click the checkbox ‘Subject not on List’ which will prompt them to type their subject
Q. Other Subject
Student – Types their ‘Other Subject’ into the text box
Q. Do you like or dislike this subject?
Student – Clicks ‘Please select an option’ and selects Dislike/I don’t mind/Like as their preference from the dropdown list
Q.Target Grade
Student – Clicks ‘Please select an option’ and selects their target grade from the options on the dropdown list
Student – Clicks ‘Add to my subject list’ to add this subject to the subject list
Subject List
Once a student adds a subject it will appear in the ‘Subject list’ table as shown, students can continue to add their subjects by re-clicking the ‘Add subject’ button
Students can delete an incorrect table entry by clicking the delete button (red bin) on the right-hand side of the screen
However, a student must add a minimum of 4 subjects to this table in order to proceed to the next step, if not the following error will be displayed
‘Subject’ Filter – Will allow students to filter the list based on subjects
‘Do you like or dislike this subject’ Filter – Will allow students to filter the list based on preference towards the subject
‘Target Grade’ Filter – Will allow students to filter the list based on their target grade
To filter on each of these headings, simply click into the filter you wish to use and type into the text box
Student – Clicks ‘Next’ button to proceed to next step
Step 3 of 5: About You
Information and instruction relating to this step is displayed in the information box
About You
Q. Interests – Please tell us what do you like doing in your spare time. For example, do you enjoy sport, computers, cinema or socialising? Also, tell us about any hobbies you enjoy or clubs that you belong to.
Student – Clicks into free text box and types interests and hobbies
Q. Have you done any voluntary work, work experience through school or had any part-time summer or Christmas jobs?
Student – Clicks ‘Please select an option’ and chooses Yes/No from the dropdown list
Student – Selects ‘No’ from dropdown list and proceeds to next question
Student – Selects ‘Yes’ from dropdown list and is prompted to give details;
Q. List the careers (jobs) you are considering or that you are interested in. If you have lots of ideas, then put your top ideas first
Student – Clicks into free text box and types more details
Q.Is there anything that may affect your choice of career (job)? For example, a health condition or personal circumstances?
Student – Clicks ‘Please select an option’ and selects an option from the dropdown list
If the student would prefer not to disclose this information or is unsure how to answer this question, they may choose to select the answer ‘Prefer to discuss at interview/with an adviser’
Student – Selects ‘Prefer to discuss at interview/with an adviser’ and is able to proceed to next stage
Student – Selects ‘No’ and is able to proceed to next stage
Student – Selects ‘Yes’ and is prompted to give details;
Q.Please give details. You can discuss these with your Careers Adviser at your guidance interview
Student – Clicks into free text box and types more details
Student – Clicks ‘Next’ button to proceed to the next step
Step 4 of 5: Future Plans
Q.What would you like to do after this year?
Student – Clicks ‘Please select an option’ and selects an option from the dropdown list
Student – Selects ‘Apprenticeship NI’ and is able to proceed to next question
Student – Selects ‘Further Education/College’ and is able to proceed to next question
Student – Selects ‘Job’ and is able to proceed to next question
Student – Selects ‘Stay at school’ and is able to proceed to next question
Student – Selects ‘Training’ and is able to proceed to next question
Student – Selects ‘Other’ and is prompted to answer;
Q.Please give details
Student – Clicks into free text box and types more details
Q.I am aware of my options
Q.I am aware of the importance of looking at current and future job trends when planning my career
Q.I am aware of the skills needed for the jobs/careers I am interested in
Q. I am confident about making decisions about my career
Q. I am prepared to make decisions about my career options
Q. I have discussed my ideas with my parents/guardians
Q.I need help to plane my future
Q.I understand the benefits of receiving impartial careers guidance
All statements have been given the same 3 options; agree, disagree and not sure
Student – Clicks ‘Please select an option’ button and selects an option from the dropdown list
Student – Selects ‘Agree’ proceeds to next question
Student – Selects ‘Disagree’ proceeds to next question
Student – Selects ‘Not sure’ proceeds to next question
Student – Clicks ‘Next’ button and proceeds to next stage
Step 5 of 5: Confirm Summary
All fields will be redisplayed to the student and read-only, if the student requires a field to be edited then they must navigate back through the form using ‘Previous’ Buttons
Privacy notice is available for students to read by clicking the orange ‘Careers Service Privacy Notice’ button which will redirect them to the Careers Service Privacy Notice in a new tab. Student may also wish to print their application details which they can do so by clicking the blue ‘Print this page’ button.
Q.I confirm I have read and understand the ‘Careers Service Privacy Notice’
Student – Clicks the checkbox
Student – Can now click the green ‘Submit application’ button
A student will be unable to submit an application without clicking to confirm they have read and understand the ‘Careers Service Privacy Notice’
Once the student has submitted their application this screen will display – providing the student with a unique reference number. The student will also receive a confirmation email to their C2K email address. This is the end of the student online form journey. The student may wish to click the ‘Continue’ button which will redirect them to the NI Direct website
Confirmation Email
Student should receive a confirmation email within 2 hours of submitting their application, if you have not received the email please check your email junk and spam folders
Student – Clicks into the email above
Post Submission
On completion of the interview with the careers adviser the student will receive an email containing two links. If you have not received the email please check your email junk and spam folders
Student – Clicks into the email above
The first link ‘View Action Plan’ will redirect the student to their personalised action plan which is based on their discussion with the careers adviser at interview
The second link ‘Take Survey Here’ will redirect the student to a feedback form where they can provide feedback based on the process
Student Verification Login
[!IMPORTANT] Before the student can access the links, they must verify their C2K email address and Date of birth on the above landing page, once these are verified the student can access the Feedback form and Action plan
Q.C2K email address
Student – Clicks into the free text box and enters first half of their C2K email address
Q. Please enter your date of birth
Student – Clicks ‘Pick a Date’ button and uses calendar tool to choose their DOB
Student – Clicks ‘Verify’ to proceed to link
Where the login details entered are incorrect, an error message will be displayed
Student Action Plan
Information and instruction relating to their action plain is displayed in the information box
Future Plans(Read Only)
Student – Can read the future plans outlined as selected by the careers adviser Idea discussed / Action points agreed(Read Only)
Student – Can read the idea discussed and action points agreed outlined as entered by the careers adviser
Latest Action Plan(Download latest Action Plan Button)
Student – Can click this button and download the Action Plan as a PDF and save it to their device for future reference
Other Documents(Button)
Student – Can click this button and download any other documents the adviser has attached and save it to their device for future reference
The student may view the action plan as many times as they wish before the link expires
Take Survey Here - Student Feedback Form
Information and instruction relating to their feedback form is displayed in the information box
Name (Read Only)
School (Read Only)
Year Group (Read Only)
Application ID (Read Only)
Q. I am more aware of my career options
Q. I am more aware of the importance of looking at current and future job trends when planning my career
Q. I am more aware of the skills needed for the jobs/careers I am interest in
Q. I am more confident about making decisions about my career options
Q. I am more prepared to make decisions about my career options
All statements have been given the same 3 options; agree, disagree and not sure
Student – Clicks ‘Please select an option’ button and selects an option from the dropdown list
Student – Selects ‘Agree’ proceeds to next question
Student – Selects ‘Disagree’ proceeds to next question
Student – Selects ‘Not sure’ proceeds to next question
Student – Proceeds to next section of Feedback Form
Q. Overall, how satisfied were you with the service you received from the Careers Service?
Student – Clicks ‘Please select an option’ button and selects an option from the dropdown list
Student – Selects ‘Satisfied’ and proceeds to next question
Student – Selects ‘Dissatisfied’ and proceeds to next question
Student – Selects ‘Not sure’ and proceeds to next question
Q. Have you any other comments or any suggestions that might help us improve our service?
Student – Clicks ‘Please select an option’ button and selects an option from the dropdown list
Student – Selects ‘No’ and proceeds to next question
Student – Selects ‘Yes’ and is prompted to give details;
Q. Please give details
Student – Clicks into free text box and types more details
Student – Proceeds to next question
Q. Would you like your adviser to follow up with you?
Student – Clicks ‘Please select an option’ button and selects an option from the dropdown list
Student – Selects ‘No’ and proceed to next question
Student – Selects ‘Yes’ and is prompted to answer the following question;
Q. Contact Option
Student – Clicks ‘Please select an option’ button and chooses from the dropdown list
Student – Selects ‘Email’ and proceeds and their C2k email is displayed and they move to the next question
- Student – Selects ‘Contact Number’ and the phone number textbox is displayed. If a phone number exists for this student it will be shown, otherwise the textbox will be empty. Once the number displayed is correct, the student will proceed
Q. I confirm I have read and understand the ‘Careers Service Privacy Notice’
Student – Clicks the checkbox
Student – Can now click the green ‘Submit survey’ button
A student will be unable to submit a survey without clicking to confirm they have read and understand the ‘Careers Service Privacy Notice’
Once the student has submitted their survey this screen will be displayed. The student will also receive a confirmation email to their C2K email address. This is the end of the student online feedback form journey. The student may wish to click the ‘Return to Home’ button which will redirect them to the NI Direct website.
A student is only permitted to submit one Feedback Form, if a student attempts to access the ‘Take Survey Here’ link again, an error message will display as shown below